Heroes For Humanity Project Volunteers Monthly Assessment Meeting held on 19th December, 2021 at Retreat, Yercaud. The community facilitator heads, Community facilitators, hotline tele support staff and data support staff were present for the meeting.
Fr. Selvakumar SDB, Project Director of SPS India Foundation addressed the volunteers to increase the number of reach out in the vaccination awareness, vaccination survey and baseline survey. He has also informed them about the vocational skill – sewing training initiated and implemented by Desai Foundation Trust and SPS INDIA Foundation at Virudhunagar District. He has also appreciated the activities and performance done by the CFH and CF of Nagalur and Manjakuttai Zone for the efforts they have taken to reach out the remote villages of Yercaud. Specially he has appreciated Mr. Selvam, CFH of Manjakuttai Zone and Mrs. Manjula, CFH of Nagalur zone for their team work. He has also motivated them to achieve their weekly target.
Ms. Sangeetha, Area Coordinator has briefed the volunteers in detail about the last month performance of the CFH, CF, Data support and Tele support staff. She has also reminded them about the weekly targets to be achieved by each CF for the month of December, 2021 and informed them about the baseline survey deadline i.e., 31st December, 2021. Also she has guided and motivated the volunteers to achieve the targets for baseline survey. Fun based communication and listening skill games were conducted to engage the volunteers. All the volunteers were actively participated and enjoyed the session.
The volunteers were asked to share their experience and challenges they have faced during their field work. The data support staff Mrs. Nithya Mary, Ms. Monisha and Mr. Ashok have shared the difficulties they are facing while entering the datas submitted by each CF. As a token of Christmas sharing, all the volunteers received the 2022 Year Salesian Calendar and sweet. The meeting got over after the distribution of tea and snacks to all the volunteers.