The EDP (Entrepreneurship Development Programme) training started at 11 AM. Mr. Ramajeyam, the resource person has facilitated the training session. The participants were asked to introduce themselves – the name, family details, the current family income and their dream or the income they want to earn at the age of 50 years. Ms. Sangeetha, Area Coordinator co-facilitated the training session by writing the response of the participants on the black board. The participants were asked to do brainstorm and calculate with the expected income they want to earn at the age of 50 years and no. of sewing products they need to stitch to attain the goal. Based on the expected income the following calculation was done to make them understand the reality. The beneficiaries were informed that the quality, price, availability and consistency of the product are very important in marketing and selling the product to the customers.

They have learnt following topics in the training such as Idea Generation – Product identification, Market availability of the product. Opportunity Evaluation – Product need in the market, Market size for the product, Competitive product analysis & understand. Planning – Market penetration idea, Target customer identification, Method of selling. Growth – Sales and marketing ideas, Marketing avenues and Schemes – Government schemes for loan. The beneficiaries were informed about the government schemes available for the beneficiaries like MUDHRA and through MSME. As a case study, Sewing Trainer – Mrs. Nishanthini was asked to share her sewing journey since 2010. Then the trainees shred their feedback on EDP session. The participants have shared that they want to learn in detail about the government schemes and the procedure to approach, apply for loans.